Want to build business leads in Japan?
Want help in exhibiting at Tradeshows in Japan?
Japan is the third largest market in the world and tradeshow
is the one of the most efficient way to get into the market while
generating new clients in Japan. However, there is a big
language and cultural barrier in exhibiting in Japan. If you do
not have Japanese speaking employee, it is very hard to obtain quality business leads at the show, then your whole cost to run the tradeshow booth will be wasted. All the business is running on Japanese language in Japan and business executives are most of the cases not so English-ready.
Instead of hiring bi-lingual full-time employee, Astropp Corporation provides services to get the job done. Astropp is committed to guide you from your event planning through follow-up business activities.
Program overview:
The program consists of three stages, 1) pre-event stage, 2) event execution stage, and 3) post-event stage. The service is delivered in dual language all through the program.
Astropp is committed to guide you from your event planning phase through follow-up business activities.